We know that everyone has a critically important need to understand the impact of the flooding in Durban, as well as possible solutions to consider with regards to your freight movements. Our team is in contact constantly with all stakeholders as we try to assess the situation and get a handle on what will happen in the coming days and weeks. At this point, we understandably have very little definitive feedback for you as the KZN community all get to work to assess the damages and necessary repairs. It is imperative, however, that you are aware that we are placing every possible resource and innovative thought and action to your cargo in this current situation. We will keep you constantly updated through our Newsflash service so please watch out for these. As of now our summary as follows:
- Durban port is currently operationally closed as per our previous Newsflash – our expectation and understanding is that we will see port side operations starting up today as staff manage to get in to work
- Durban port landside operations are more problematic as there is very serious damage to Bayhead Road (primary access) and truck movement is virtually impossible. Alternative routes are very limited through the Bluff, however these roads are currently under water in many areas or severely compromised and not geared for heavy transport movements. As I type there is a meeting of all stakeholders, and we have access to senior parties in this meeting who have committed to us a full review of the scenario and an update on the plan forward as soon as this meeting is completed. For now, truck movements in and out of the harbour is not possible at all. Our sense at this point is that we will see the alternative routings through Bluff and the single lane left of Bayhead Road being used to start up landside operations in the next 24 / 48 hours but they will be severely restricted for a few days as repairs are assessed. This will be confirmed after feedback is received from the current meeting. We know that serious Government focus and resources are being applied to this crisis with the President on his way to the province, and we trust this will result in whatever resources are needed to temporarily and permanently make Bayhead Road usable.
- We have confirmation from one of the NVOCC depots that they are operational, however with skeleton staff only and we are still in the process of confirming if the road to the depot is accessible. As additional information becomes available, we will continue to update customers.
- We are assessing whether alterative redirections are possible to other ports for cargo not yet berthed. We must make clear that we are very much in the hands of the shipping lines and all redirections must be applied for and assessed, and then we are given a response as to whether it is technically possible and at what cost. In some cases Customs permission is also needed. At the best of times these requests take 48 hours or more to get a response but right now we have virtually no shipping lines responding to calls or mails. As these options are given to us, we will on a case by case basis assess these directly with our customers as the cost implications need to be understood and agreed to. There is no doubt that even if it is possible to redirect, the current Durban Port scenario will create capacity and congestion issues at all SA ports. Please be aware that our team are doing all we can to proactively assess these options and will share with you results as we get feedback from lines, ports, Customs and truckers etc.
- New orders being booked for departure and are under our control are being assessed on a case by case basis to assess whether we should change destination port. These assessments will obviously be impacted on a daily basis by the feedback and progress we see over the next few days and weeks.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss concerns but be aware we are being as proactive as possible to assess each shipment and offer you the best possible solutions in the current scenario.
Kind Regards
Gary Knight
Managing Director