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Dear Valued Client,

Our trucking partners have expressed delays in landside operations at Durban port terminals over the past week, mainly effecting availability of port bookings and longer standing time to uplift containers out of port. This has a major ripple effect on planned deliveries. Although we have seen some improvement in the waterside operations including vessels out at anchorage for shorter time periods and ETA changes somewhat stabilising, our major challenge and delay in deliveries are caused by terminal equipment and IT system failures, adverse weather conditions and trucking appointments closed to clear backlog in stagging areas. We want to assure you, our operational team alongside transport service providers, are working closely together to prioritise delayed units and make deliveries soonest possible.

Please also take note of the following tariff amendments published by SARS effective from 15 March 2024 on category – Threaded Fasteners:

Amendment to Part 3 of Schedule No. 2, by the substitution of safeguard items 260.03/7318.15.41/01.08; 260.03/7318.15.42/01.08 and 260.03/7318.16.30/01.08 to include imports originating in or imported from the Republic of the Philippines to be subject to safeguard duties with a rate of 48,04% on threaded fasteners of iron or steel (excluding those of stainless steel and those identifiable for aircraft) – Minute 11/2023

Amendment to Part 3 of Schedule No. 2, by the substitution of safeguard items 260.03/7318.15.41/01.08; 260.03/7318.15.42/01.08 and 260.03/7318.16.30/01.08 to include imports originating in or imported from the Republic of the Philippines to be subject to the safeguard duties of a rate of 46,04% on threaded fasteners of iron or steel (excluding those of stainless steel and those identifiable for aircraft) – ITAC Report 715

Amendment to Part 3 of Schedule No. 2, by the substitution of safeguard items 260.03/7318.15.41/01.08; 260.03/7318.15.42/01.08 and 260.03/7318.16.30/01.08 to include imports originating in or imported from the Republic of the Philippines to be subject to the safeguard duties of a rate of 44,04% on threaded fasteners of iron or steel (excluding those of stainless steel and those identifiable for aircraft) – ITAC Report 715

Should you have any questions, please do reach out to us.

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