Dear Valued Client
Kindly refer to the below critical update for all clients exporting to EU countries, especially the updated regulations for export documentation. Please also find attached published data for further clarity.
The third release of the European Union’s customs pre-arrival safety and security system – Import Control System 2 (ICS2) – went live on 3 June 2024. ICS2 is an IT system that collects data on all goods entering the EU prior to their arrival. Release 1 and 2 initially covered air freight and courier, Release 3 will now apply to sea and inland carriers and eventually road and rail.
SCT will continue to process the necessary ENS filing with the master carriers but we ask for exporters to please include the below data needed to ensure filing is correct and export documentation corresponds. Incorrect filing will result in delays or a stop by EU customs authorities with sanctions imposed for non-compliance. Example: EORI numbers must be visible under consignee details which is transferred onto the bill of lading.
Should you have any queries, please do reach out to our Head Office on 0318180320.