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Current Industry Update:

  • Durban Pier Notice
  • Container Stops: Customs and SAPS

Durban Pier Notice

Kindly refer to the attached notice received from Transnet concerning current delays at Durban Pier 2. Our trucking partners have confirmed congestion to uplift import containers from terminal and the team are prioritising deliveries best possible.

Container Stops: Customs and SAPS

There has been a recent increase in import container stops through Customs and SA border police. After consultation with numerous stakeholders, we can confirm this increase is experienced throughout our industry and all agents are experiencing same large volume of stops. We are working with our association at the highest level to find the reason behind this and being proactive in sending SCT representatives into respective departments to assist with release of stopped containers. Exorbitant fees are charged on these movements to accommodate inspections and expected to be paid in advance, which we cannot prevent until final release is granted.

SCT assures all clients that our attention is given to these stops, and we will do all that’s possible to minimise delays on behalf of the importer.

Kindly contact your local SCT representative should you have any questions concerning this update.

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